Also available in French under the title : Amélioration de l’information annuelle des organismes sans but lucratif
Contents :
Users of the report / stakeholders
Questions that annual reports should answer
Guiding principles of reporting
Key elements of reporting...
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Also available in French under the title : Vos obligations de déclaration en vertu de la Loi canadienne sur les organisations à but non lucratif (Loi BNL)
Table of Contents :
File an Annual Return every year
File Any Change of Registered Office Address
Report Changes Regarding...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Your Reporting Obligations under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (NFP Act)
Table des matières:
Déposer un rapport annuel chaque année
Déposer tout changement de l'adresse du siège
Déclarer tous changements concernant les...
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Outlines the top ten best practices in reporting based on the results of the Voluntary Sector Reporting Awards competition of 2011. This paper also considers what judges of the competition found exemplary and effective reporting practice.
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Written by: The Voluntary Sector Reporting Awards
Article in Charity Village outlining the top 10 suggested best practices in Annual report writing.
The VSRA judges panel created this list of top ten best practices based on the 2011 VSRA competition. Nearly 100 charity annual reports...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Improved annual reporting by not-for-profit organizations
Table des matières
Utilisateurs du rapport / parties prenantes
Questions auxquelles les rapports annuels devraient répondre
Principes directeurs de la communication de l'...
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Table of contents :
Understanding roles, responsibilities, and the use of policy
Planning and tracking for results
Making sure the accounts are in order
Reading a financial statement
Other matters
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