Excerpt de la Guide de l'employeur, du Gouvernement du Canada. Pour le guide entier, suivez: https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-revenu/services/formulaires-publications/publications/t4001-guide-employeur-retenues-paie-versements/guide-employeur-retenues-paie-versements.html
"Dates d'échéance des...
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Table of contents :
Understanding roles, responsibilities, and the use of policy
Planning and tracking for results
Making sure the accounts are in order
Reading a financial statement
Other matters
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A legal discussion and explanation of the importance of statutory remittances and the potential liability of the board of directors if remittances are not made.
"The purpose of the paper is to outline the various forms of liability that are imposed by Canadian law on directors and officers in...
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Excerpt from Government of Canada's Guide to Payroll Deductions and Remittances.
"Remittance due dates: In Chapter 8, you will find more information on remitting payroll deductions. It talks about the different remitter types and due dates, how to make a remittance, and the forms to...
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