Also available as a PDF
Contents :
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Fundraising methods and revenues
Chapter 3. Funds raised from government, corporations and foundations
Chapter 4. Costs of fundraising
Chapter 5. The use of consultants
Chapter 6. The role of boards of directors...
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Q&A on fundraising practices such as fundraising ratios and percentage based compensation.
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Méthodes à utiliser pour attribuer les dépenses de financement, notamment le test de « la totalité ou presque » et le test des quatre parties.
Disponible aussi en anglais
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"This booklet offers samples of key fundraising policies and procedures that nonprofit organizations should consider adapting and using for their fundraising programs."
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Also available in print
Contents :
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Fundraising methods and revenues
Chapter 3. Funds raised from government, corporations and foundations
Chapter 4. Costs of fundraising
Chapter 5. The use of consultants
Chapter 6. The role of boards of directors...
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Table des matières
Un portrait sommaire de la philanthropie au Québec
Les notions fondamentales en gestion philanthropique
Le publipostage et le télémarketing
Les dons d'entreprises, les commandites corporatives et les partenariats commerciaux
Les fondations privées et...
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Prepared by the AFP Ethics Committee, Adopted March, 1992, Revised October 2001
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