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Results of a national survey of managers of volunteers conducted by Environics Research Group in 2003
Also available in French under title: Qui sont les gestionnaires des ressources bénévoles?
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Also available in French under the title : La profession de gestionnaire de bénévoles : les faits saillants de l'analyse de la profession et du référentiel d'activité professionelle
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Skills checklists in the following areas :
Managing self : traits and core compentencies
Managing people : supervision and human resources
Managing project and programs : management and operations
Leading organizations : leadership
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre : The profession of volunteer management : highlights from the analysis of the profession and from the professional requirements of its practice
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Slides from a presentation given at the 2011 Canadian Business & Community Partnership Forum, hosted by Imagine Canada and Volunteer Canada.
Also available in French.
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Présenté lors du Forum 2011 des partenariats entre les entreprises et la collectivité.
Disponible aussi en anglais.
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“Global Corporate Volunteering. A strategic tool to involve companies and employees in the fight against poverty”includes real cases of companies that have successfully addressed the different challenges that arise during the design, implementation and development of Global corporate Volunteering (...
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"Le filtrage est un processus qui aide les gens à trouver des postes bénévoles, tout en améliorant la qualité et la sécurité des programmes et des services offerts dans les collectivités...
Les 10 étapes du filtrage : un processus continu
Les pratiques de filtrage s’amorcent dès que l'...
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A guide to the scope of the volunteer management occupation and accepted professional standards. Addressing the diversity of requirements, settings and risks in the profession, this guide provides a clear breakdown of the roles, responsibilities and tasks volunteer managers oversee.
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