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Section 1) Types de mission de validation des états financiersSection 2) Normes comptablesSection 3) Le BilanSection 4) L’État des résultatsSection 5) État de l’évolution des actifs netsSection 6) État des flux de trésorerieSection 7) Notes explicatives ou complémentaires
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Learn how registered charities should prepare financial statements and maintain adequate books and records.
Transcript: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/vdgllry/chrts-gvng/wc20100316-trnscrpt-eng.html
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Apprenez comment les organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés doivent préparer leurs états financiers et conserver des livres comptables adéquats.
Transcription: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/vdgllry/chrts-gvng/wc20100316-trnscrpt-fra.html
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Canada’s Accounting Standards Board and Public Sector Accounting Board (the Boards) are in the process of developing new accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations as documented in the Statement of Principles (SoP). Today’s webcast, examines the potential impact of these changes, and...
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