This podcast from Vantage Point presents Michael Blatchford, lawyer with Bull Housser, to dive into the topic: Board Term Limits: Friend or Foe? In just 15 minutes learn about board term limits, where they are helpful and where you want to review what they imply for your board succession planning...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: 20 questions directors of not-for-profit organizations should ask about board recruitment, development, and assessment
Table des matières
Sélection des administrateurs
1. Quelles sont les exigences relatives à l’élection ou à la nomination d’...
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Guide and checklist for a board member motivation exercise. Useful for recruitment and board succession planning processes.
This alongside other resources available from Governing Good: http://www.governinggood.ca/resources/governance-guides-dalhousie-collection/
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